Why won't these people treat me with respect? A ruler should have control and support of his people, not have his people treat him with disrespect. They don't listen to me. All they do is ignore my words when I'm speaking. I know i have been very quiet for the past years, but now that i am speaking up they should listen to what i have to say. They should be helping me rule now that i am stepping up to the job. The suitors don't care on what i tend to do, all they care about is winning over my mother. They believe she is a prize and fighting for her is some competition, i swear do they not care how she feels. I need people to back me up so i can go out to sea and find my father. I know he is alive i just have to go and find him, but i just need the support of the suitors. Thank goodness for Mentor! With out him, the suitors would have kept pushing me over, but he convinced them to help me with my journey. I am setting off on my journey now, i hope my mother will be alright without me there, but i think she can manage. I must find my father.
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